Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jonas Crisis!

ha ha, Hey guys! don't freak about the title of the blog... okay maybe a little hahaha jkjk (: Well as some of you may or may not know we posted on an earlier blog about how the boys where apparently going to do a Verizon private event on September 4Th before the concert, Ive gotten a lot of comments & messages on that. Well, yes i know it got taken off, i don't know why though. But its like a month away so maybe they'll put it back up because some of the Demi verizon in store appearances don't have details up yet so maybe they're just fixing it. We will keep you guys posted on anything! (: Let the record show, that we do NOT cuss, or call ANYONE names on the website so its not appreciated to be seen or herd (yes, that was meant for someone to read because i know said person is reading) Anyway guys, only 7 more days till the DC Games air! :) :) :) We are so excited! I hope you are too! Remember to subscribe to our Youtube/Jonastube channels! & join our OFFICIAL facebook & vote in our polls!

Much love from the first OFFICIAL Florida Jonas Brothers site,
-Nikki & Brenduska


Anonymous said...

wait a second...wat verizon event??please tell me wats going on ill do anything to see these kids or meet them im going to this show so pleasepleaseplease let me know more about this=/